Pizza Tower

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In this thrilling adventure, you will assume the role of Peppino. He is the proud owner of a charming little pizzeria. But one day, the hero learns that terrible bosses are going to destroy him and his business. Peppino cannot allow it to happen and creates a brave plan. The hero discovers that his adversaries reside in Pizza Tower. Without hesitation, he plunges into this towering labyrinth, despite challenges that lie ahead. He does not know yet that it is going to be a dreadful survival.

Pizza is here again!

This treacherous maze turns out to be full of perilous obstacles. But Peppino does not change his intentions – the hero is ready to confront these challenges head-on. Luckily, there is an unexpected solution that will help the protagonist defeat all the adversaries who materialize in his path. Peppino will not have conventional weapons like guns or pistols to vanquish his foes. Instead, he employs an unconventional arsenal – pizza. He will have to make pizza on the go! Each ingredient is in the air – just catch it and add to your pizza! Do not forget that each ingredient has a super power. So combining them skillfully will let you craft a really strong weapon. Upon reaching the end of this intricate labyrinth, Peppino faces his ultimate challenge: a formidable final boss with immense power. Ensure that you amass enough strength and culinary prowess for this duel! Join now for this unusual trial!

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