Google Snake

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Do you know games about snakes? Most players will immediately recollect the snake io game from the past. It will be fair to say that this nostalgic entertainment in one of the first and most popular entertainment. You were controlling a snake who moved around the computer screen. This game is a modern twist on the classical entertainment. And it has become incredibly popular as it is accessible from smartphones too. Are you ready to refresh the interaction with the cute snake again? Make sure you will also refresh your agility skills to succeed in this remade fun!

Grow your snake!

Your main mission is to feed your personage with fruits and make it get bigger. You, the snake, start out as a small snake. If you continue to eat fruit, your snake will get bigger over time. If you hit a wall or touch it with your tail, the game will be over for you. You can select a different fruit to be your food. Originally, it is apple, but you can switch it to peaches or grapes and other options. As your character grows in size, it becomes more challenging to maneuver. The rules remain exactly the same. So now it depends on the agility of the player how skillfully he can navigate the area with no mistakes. The activity is ideal to kill time while waiting. Besides, it is a great anti-stress tool. As it is simple enough, you do not need special preparation. Just play and be careful and attentive. Only the smartest will really succeed!

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